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Several millions of dollars were expended in constructing and perfecting five magnificent roads radiating from Paris to the frontiers of the empire.The engineers could christian independent label record not agree respecting the best direction of the cutting through the highlands which separated the valley of the Oise from that of the Somme.As the advancing and retreating host wavered to and fro, the wounded, by thousands, were left on hill sides and in dark ravines, with the drifting snow, crimsoned with blood, their only blanket there in solitude and agony to moan and freeze and die.His conquering armies were almost in christian independent label record sight of the steeples of Vienna.As for me, while I live, I am not afraid that any one will be killed, and then I can not answer for the safety of my two colleagues.His death would leave France without christian independent label record a leader.I can never repair it all.I christian independent label record have been touched by the proofs of affection which the people of Paris have shown me on this occasion.The month of November had now arrived, and the mountains, whitened with snow, were swept by the bleak winds of winter.The carriage rocked as upon the billows of the sea, and christian independent label record the windows were shattered to fragments.I know that the elemency of the First Consul is great his attachment to me extreme.The armies christian independent label record of the allies could then, with bloody strides, march to Paris, and place the hated Bourbons on the throne.The treaty of Luneville was signed the 9th of February, 1801.This has been the constant object of the christian independent label record efforts of her government.
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