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vi.But the system, it must be added, went far booty hoe latin phat beyond this.In the middle of the twelfth century the Karaite Judah Hadassi of Constantinople arranged the whole Pentateuch under the headings of the Decalogue, much as Philo had done long before.'Nomism,' it has been truly said, 'has always formed a fundamental booty hoe latin phat trait of Judaism, one of whose chief aims has ever been to mould life in all its varying relations according to the Law, and to make obedience to the commandments a necessity and a custom' (Lauterbach, Jewish Encyclopedia, ix.No Jew was ever called upon formally to express his assent to them.Belief was booty hoe latin phat not free altogether conduct was not altogether controlled.Then came Micah and reduced them to three, as it is written 'What doth the Lord require of thee but (i) to do justice, (ii) to love mercy, and (iii) to walk humbly with thy God? Then came Habbakuk and made the whole Law stand on one fundamental idea, 'The righteous man liveth by his faith' (Makkoth, 23 b).(v) Duty should be the moving force of our life and the thought that God is always in us and about us should incite us to lead good and beneficent lives, showing our love of God by loving our booty hoe latin phat fellow creatures, and working for their happiness and betterment with all our might.No Jew was ever excommunicated for declaring his dissent from these articles.The object of codification, to get at the full meaning of principles, is defeated booty hoe latin phat by its own success.Renewed with Moses, and followed in traditional opinion by the Ten Commandments, the Sinaitic Covenant was a further link in the bond between God and His people.These are (i) Creation (as opposed to the Aristotelian doctrine of the eternity of the world) (ii) the existence of God (iii) God is one and incorporeal (iv) Moses and the other canonical prophets booty hoe latin phat were called by God (v) the Law is the Word of God, it is complete, and the Oral Tradition was unnecessary (vi) the Law must be read by the Jew in the original Hebrew (vii) the Temple of Jerusalem was the place chosen by God for His manifestation (viii) the Resurrection of the dead (ix) the Coming of Messiah, son of David (x) Final Judgment and Retribution.This word means 'repetition,' or 'teaching by repetition' it was an oral tradition reduced to writing long after much of its contents had been sifted in the discussions of the schools.
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