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428.If there were Church abuses in England, there were download parser xml still worse in France.She was passing from the old order to the new.Nor will other proofs of repentance be sufficient if submission to the discipline of the Church of Christ, when it hath been offended download parser xml and requires due satisfaction, be obstinately refused.' Butler could no more have carried on the great crusade against sin and Satan which Wesley did, than Wesley could have written the 'Analogy.What, then, was the character of the amusements of the period? The stage, if it was a little improved since the wild days of the Restoration, was yet so bad that even a lax moralist like download parser xml Lord Hervey was obliged to own in 1737, 'The present great licentiousness of the stage did call for some restraint and regulation.It may be noticed that Raikes was a decided Churchman.Mr download parser xml.' Such is the testimony of Nonconformists themselves, who will not be suspected of taking too dark a view of the condition of Nonconformity.Newcome, download parser xml p.
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