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THE DEATH OF JOSEPHINE.You are adored albany club coventry at Milan, as everywhere else.I hope to see you, perhaps at Aix in Savoy, if the waters at Plombires do not agree with you perhaps in Switzerland, where the Emperor has permitted me to journey.Embrace for me that dear child, and my albany club coventry little Oui Oui (yes, yes).It will not be necessary for you to take many companions with you.Josephine wrote to her on albany club coventry the 10th of May, from Navarre I have received your letter, my dear Hortense, and I see, with much pain, that your health is not good.It devolved upon Hortense, as the daughter of Napoleon, and the most prominent lady of his household, to receive with smiles of welcome and cordiality of greeting the princess who took the place of her mother.His letter was dated albany club coventry September 8, 1812.He pressed her to his bosom with the most ardent embraces.Josephine goes albany club coventry to Navarre.He was kind to me, and amiable as ever and I hope that he will have read in my heart all the affection and all the devotion with which I cherish him.He truly albany club coventry loved Josephine.You ask me what I am doing.A son, by Josephine, would have completed my happiness, not only in a political point of view, but as a source of domestic albany club coventry felicity.Louis Bonaparte abdicates.
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