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FAIR PLAY.From these words of finding pen pal Judge Lynch we see clearly how very serious a matter this assault case must have seemed to him at that time.Also, anonymous letters were reported to have been received by two men in the same vicinity, viz.Racicot then applied to the Judge, being opposed in his finding pen pal application by Mr.We purpose devoting this chapter to a few of the views of societies and individuals respecting this affair, as they were published in the columns of certain newspapers.Fair Play says finding pen pal careful men view this askance.Duffy, the lawyer for the Alliance.Smith, and if, as it is alleged by some, finding pen pal he has allowed his zeal to get the better of his discretion, he is not the first man who has been carried away by a superabundance of enthusiasm, or who has suffered therefor.A well conducted hotel adds to the strength and business character of a village, and a faithful landlord is expected to furnish guests certain necessities, one of which may be liquor.Mr finding pen pal.
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