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The battle was commenced very early in the morning.Mazeppa and those who adhered to him degree deodorant free about two thousand men in all went over in a body to the camp of the Swedes.First, he tore Mazeppa's patent of knighthood in pieces, and threw the fragments into the air.They brought this degree deodorant free figure out before the camp, in presence of the general and of all the leading officers, the soldiers being also drawn up around the spot.So Catharine was transferred to the household of the Czar.For his part, he added, he had got the birds in degree deodorant free the net, and he should do all in his power to secure them.Catharine began at once to interest herself in these employments, and to do all in her power to assist in them and at length, as one of the writers who gives an account of these transactions goes on to say, the general, finding Catharine very proper to manage his household affairs, gave her a sort of authority and inspection over these women and over the rest of the domestics, by whom she soon came to be very much beloved by her manner of using them when she instructed them in their duty.He sent an officer to the camp of the King of degree deodorant free Sweden with a flag of truce, to ask on what terms the king would make peace with him.Then followed a long series of manoeuvres and partial combats between the two armies, the Swedes being occupied with the double duty of attacking the town, and also of defending themselves from Menzikoff while Menzikoff, on the other hand, was intent, first on harassing the Swedes and impeding as much as possible their siege operations, and, secondly, on throwing succors into the town.Here she soon made herself a degree deodorant free great favorite.He found that the chief officers of the Cossacks seemed quite disposed to listen to what he said, and to adopt his views.The men, knowing of this embassy, and understanding the grounds of the complaint which Mazeppa was to make degree deodorant free by means of it, would be placed, he thought, in such a position that, in the event of an unfavorable answer being returned, as he had no doubt would be the case, they could be the more easily led into the revolt which he proposed.He extended his conquests very rapidly in Poland and in the adjoining provinces, and at last, in the summer of 1708, he conceived the design of crossing the Dnieper and threatening Moscow, which was still Peter's capital.
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