Feinstein report fnrp
It will be found cited as D, that being a designation given to it by Mr.Parker, Commissioner feinstein report fnrp of Indian Affairs, and others, 1869 to 1870.FISKE, JOHN.One is of feinstein report fnrp manuscript matter mainly, the other of printed matter solely.ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORITIES ABEL, ANNIE HELOISE.See Abel, feinstein report fnrp The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, pp.Mississippi, Campaigns of the Civil War series (New York, 1882).Kansas in the feinstein report fnrp sixties (Chicago, 1911).Rise and fall of the Confederate government (New York, 1881), 2 vols.One of the papers is an feinstein report fnrp itemized account of the money Pike expended for the Indians, money placed in his hands to be disbursed among the Indian Tribes under Treaty stipulations in January, A.38th congress, second session, no.6, June 22, 1864 to feinstein report fnrp April 11, 1865.Stephens, Ibid.The feinstein report fnrp life and times of C.4, March 5, 1862 to July 1, 1863.
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