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This was the most difficult task, and yet nothing could be accomplished without the coperation of Germany.Exasperated by the disappointment, he relinquished all idea of purchasing his patrimonial estates, but making a sudden rush with his troops upon the Hungarians, he drove them free amateur home movie out of Austria, and pursued them far over the frontiers of Hungary.Maximilian returned at the head of his troops triumphant to Vienna, where he was received with acclamations such as had seldom resounded in the metropolis.To add to the force of his words, he introduced ambassadors free amateur home movie from the King of Naples, who informed the assembly of the conquests of the French, of their haughty bearing, and implored the aid of the diet to repel the invaders.Maximilian prudently decided that it would be better to purchase the redemption of the territory with money than with blood., stung by the disgrace of his speedy expulsion from Milan, immediately raised another army free amateur home movie of five thousand horse and fifteen thousand foot to recover his lost plunder.No sympathy need be wasted upon the Venetians, the victims of this coalition, for they had rendered themselves universally detestable by their arrogance, rapacity, perfidy and pride.As Maximilian already enjoyed the title of King of Hungary, no one enjoyed so good a chance as he of securing both of those crowns so soon as they should fall from free amateur home movie the brow of Ladislaus.MAXIMILIAN I.Louis free amateur home movie XII.Afterward, through the intercession of Maximilian, he was allowed a little more freedom.A singular treaty was free amateur home movie made.He again summoned the States of the empire and implored their coperation to resist the aggressions of France.The appearance of these signs in Germany, in particular, does not indeed denote that the Germans have been peculiarly distinguished in guilt, but rather that they should set the example to free amateur home movie the rest of the world, by being the first to undertake a crusade against the infidels.His subjects rallied with enthusiasm around him, and, guided by his prowess, in a continued warfare of five years, drove the invading French from their territories.
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