Farm grove homestead museum
Wonderfully expert helmsmen they become after years of this sort of work more trying to the nerves and exacting quite as much skill as the jockeying for place at the start of an international yacht race.Few forms of manual work are more exacting, involve more physical suffering farm grove homestead museum and actual peril to life, than fishing with trawls.By night there must be unceasing watch kept of the great revolving light and, if there be other lights within reach of the keeper's glass, a watch must be kept on them as well, and any eclipse, however brief, must be noted in the lighthouse log.One side of the net is taken up on the schooner's deck, and there clamped firmly, the fish thus lying in the bunt, or pocket between the schooners, and the two boats which farm grove homestead museum lie off eight or ten feet, rising and falling with the sea.Not pretty work, this, and as little pleasing to perform.One of the men in each dory, after pulling farm grove homestead museum up the anchor, put the trawl in the roller a grooved wooden wheel eight inches in diameter.One keeper and three assistants guard the light over Minot's Ledge.In the gross total of the value of American fisheries are included many methods foreign to the subject of this book, as for example, the system of fishing from shore with pound nets, the salmon fisheries of the Columbia River, and the fisheries of the Great farm grove homestead museum Lakes.When the slow task of drawing together the ends of the seine until the fish are fairly enclosed in a sort of marine canal, a signal brings the schooner down to the side of the boats.One officer of the army and one of the navy are farm grove homestead museum detailed as secretaries.In many places, although the sea is tolerably rough, the vessels lie so closely together that one could almost jump from one to the other.Each of the sixteen districts into which the country is divided is inspected by an army and a navy officer, and a small navy farm grove homestead museum of lighthouse tenders perform the duty of carrying supplies and relief to the lighthouses up and down our three coasts.By day the lens must be rubbed laboriously with a dry cloth until it shines like the facets of a diamond.
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